This summer I’m preaching a sermon series called The Jesus Priorities, which is inspired by a book with the same name that was written by Christopher Maricle. Today’s priority was humility.

My message, “Be an Imitator” was based on Philippians 2:1-11 (The Message).
I preached from this manuscript and, for once, tried to stick to it. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Epistle lesson begins at 23:34 and the sermon begins at 26:02), but please note that there were some audio difficulties during today’s service that impacted this recording. The Advent team will work to address these so that they do not recur in future weeks.
We need a brain transplant. According to this morning’s reading from Philippians, we are to aspire to have the same mind in us that was in Christ Jesus. This call to be of “the same mind as Jesus” is not primarily about how we think or what we believe. It is about attitude: how we approach things, our way of being.
We need an attitude adjustment. Some of us need to forgo titles for awhile –
- no more “best at this” or
- “doctor that” or
- “guru of the other”.
Some of us need to be recalibrated or reoriented. All of us need to be reminded of the example of Jesus.
Jesus has no interest in acquiring admirers; Jesus is focused on forming followers. He delivers a more radical message than most forms of American Christianity recognize. His way of being in the world must be our model.
He taught that
- the last will be first and . . .
Additional messages in this series include
- Children Are Precious (Valuing Children & Youth)
- Seek God’s Will (The Best Sermon Ever)
- Treasure in Heaven (Is Bigger Always Better and Will More Ever Satisfy?)
- Spread the Word (Called to Live Highly Relational Lives)
- Prayer (Prayer – Just Do It!)
- Healing (Preaching Healing)