The best new books I’ve read in the last month are

- (5.0) Abundant Lives: A Progressive Christian Ethic of Flourishing by Amanda Udis-Kessler (Pilgrim Press, 2024)
- (4.5) Belonging without Othering: How We Save Ourselves and the World by john a. powell and Stephen Menendian (Stanford University Press, 2024)
- (4.5) Poverty for Profit: How Corporations Get Rich Off America’s Poor by Anne Kim (New Press, 2024)
- (4.5) My Defense: Responding to Charges that I Fully Affirm LGBTQ+ People by Thomas Jay Oord (SacraSage, 2024)
- (4.0) Do the Work: A Guide to Understanding Power and Creating Change by Megan Pillow and Roxane Gay (Leaping Hare Press, 2024)
- (4.0) Blessing It All: Rituals for Transition and Transformation edited by Allison Palm and Heather Concannon (Skinner House, 2024)
- (4.0) The Mystic Jesus: The Mind of Love by Marianne Williamson (HarperOne, 2024)
- (3.5) Rethinking Outreach: A Field Guide by John Hughes (John Hughes, 2024)
Abundant Lives
Jesus never told a parable, preached a sermon, or wrote a book using the word flourishing. And, yet, the idea of flourishing or thriving or well-being is evident throughout his earthly ministry. Amanda Udis-Kessler effectively explores what it means for progressive followers of Jesus to live into the flourishing he envisioned and to promote the flourishing of others and of all creation. Expect this book to challenge, expand, and enrich your perspective and reform and/or refine your praxis. A great book to read on your own and an even better volume to read and discuss with others.
Welcome Back
Two authors on this month’s list have appeared on So What Faith previously.
Thomas Jay Oord was featured when I rated two of his then newly published books
- 2022: Pluriform Love: An Open and Relational Theology of Well-Being (4.0)
- 2021: Open and Relational Theology: An Introduction to Life-Changing Ideas (4.5)
Marianne Williamson was highlighted when I considered two of her then newly published books
- 2019: A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (4.0)
- 2016: Tears to Triumph: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment (Top Book)