This morning I preached at Advent Lutheran Church in Arlington, Texas for the first time on the occasion of my first day serving as this congregation’s Interim Senior Pastor.

The Sermon
My message, “Intention or Interruption?,” was based on today’s Gospel reading: Mark 5:21-43.
Intention, Interruption, or Intentional Interruption?
While I relied on this manuscript, I’m aware that I went a bit off script on a few occasions. You can watch a recording of the livestream here (the Gospel lesson begins at 25:32 and the message at 29:17).

I stand before you this morning as a newcomer. Your knowledge of who I am may be limited to the contents of a one-page bio that introduces me as your Interim Pastor. So I’ll begin with a confession and a personal story.
Good morning, my name is Pastor Greg and I am a planner. I like to know where I’m going and how I’m going to get there. I not only have a schedule, but expect to follow it. I enter each new day with a plan and with intention.
Knowing this, I invite you to travel back in time with me across several decades back to the time when we didn’t carry phones in our pockets – when we navigated by memory or map not GPS. One ordinary morning in that world I was planning to drive from Arlington to Fort Worth to lead an all-day training session. And everything went according to plan until it didn’t. Due to my proximity to a major wreck on the highway, I ended up stuck on the road for several hours . . .

So What?
Take a few minutes to reflect on your own life and your experience of the life of faith. Focus on interruptions – both planned and unplanned.
- How has God shown up in your life during seasons or moments when your plans were interrupted?
- In what way(s)s have these interruptions been opportunities for growth?
- In what way(s) did these interruptions refine or reinforce your original intention or path?