Five months ago, my wife and I moved. Ever since, we have been engaged in the work of making the new house into our home. We’ve hired a variety of professionals to assist along the way with plumbing, flooring, HVAC, painting, and more.
This weekend, I finally got around to finding places for or deciding to get rid of the pieces of furniture that had remained in our garage. And, I engaged in similar work with items that had temporarily been stored in boxes or bins in several closets.
Unboxing Stoles
Apparently I did a good job of packing my stoles. The only thing I noted was that one had shifted a bit, which caused some minor crumpling of the fabric at the end that had contacted the storage bin.
Unpacking the stoles turned out to be both a physical act and a memory oriented experience. After years of wearing stoles every week to lead worship, I’ve mostly kept them in the closet for the last five years.
So What?
Today I’m taking some time to reflect on my many and varied ministry experiences. I’ve been blessed to serve nine congregations, teach religion to undergraduates for eight years, help three organizations provide quality healthcare to underserved populations, and guide two faith-based non-profit organizations that are supported by many local congregations.
Today I’m also continuing to discern the next steps on my path. Almost a year ago, I started facilitating a weekly small group primarily for folks connected to Cathedral of Hope United Church of Christ. Then, about six months ago, I agreed to serve as a small group team leader – a role focused on supporting other small group leaders. Next, a couple of months ago, I engaged in conversation with a few colleagues and trusted advisors about deepening my connection to the United Church of Christ. More recently, I’ve entered a formal season of discernment.
I treasure your prayers and support, and welcome your wisdom.
Note: I am happily employed as the Executive Director of the White Rock Center of Hope, and engaged in wide ranging volunteer work including serving as Board Chair for the Texas Association of Charitable Clinics. My current discernment is about the possibility of a permanent pastoral identity rooted in the United Church of Christ. Three of the last four congregations I’ve served and the church where I am now a member are a part of the UCC. I’ve been connected to this denomination since 2010.