For the last few months, I’ve watched as dozens of workers have used a variety of equipment to prepare a piece of land just outside my front door for the construction of a building. In recent days all of that work has culminated in pouring a strong foundation.
Jesus talked about everyday topics often, including building. In the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders (found in the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:24-27 and Sermon on the Plain: Luke 6:46-49) he compared those who hear his teaching and put it into action like those who build their dwellings on solid rock while those who hear but don’t put into action are like those who build dwellings on sand. The quality of a building’s foundation is essential to how well it can withstand severe weather.

So What?
Lent is the time of year when Christians are more focused on living out their faith. And, it is a good time to check on the condition of your religious foundation.
How would you describe the overall health of your foundation as a follower of the Way of Jesus? Are there any areas that require some maintenance, repair, or even rebuilding?
Following the Way of Jesus always goes beyond acquiring knowledge by applying that wisdom to daily living.