What do you consider to be the church’s top missional priority?
According to a survey conducted by Barna in 2020, Protestant pastors answers differ dramatically depending on whether or not they are affiliated with a Mainline denomination or not.
The chart below summarizes those Barna findings and is one of a number of Barna surveys found in Glenn Packiam’s new book, The Resilient Pastor (Baker Books, 2022).

So What?
As someone who works in the area of local poverty alleviation, I’m struck by the survey results showing that this work is seen as the top missional priority among Mainline Protestant pastors, but ranks as the fifth highest priority (lowest possible ranking) among non-Mainline Protestant pastors.
I’m appreciative that the ministry of the White Rock Center of Hope is supported by churches all across the theological spectrum, including those in each of these two categories. And, I recognize that the church universal is at its best and has the greatest impact when people of faith come together to provide for the basic human needs of those in our local communities.
Challenge: Place the five options in rank order, then share your list. (Bonus: If you could add one item to this list, what would you add?)