Since launching So What Faith in 2009, I’ve written more than 1,960 posts about matters of faith that matter. Based on page views, the all time most popular posts on So What Faith (as of December 26, 2021) are listed below followed by year of publication and change in popularity when compared to last year’s list of top all time posts.
- Pastoral Prayer – Love (2014) [+1)
- Prayers of the People – Youth Sunday (2009) [-1]
- Are 10,000 Churches Closing Every Year? (2019) [+4]
- My Visit to Next Level Church (2012) [+1]
- Sermon: Lost –> Found –> Party (2015) [+1]
- 12 Marks of Convergence Christianity (2012) [+1]
- 6 Decades of Decline in the United Church of Christ (2018) [+4]
- Review of Not a Fan (2011) [-5]
- The Acceptable Year of the Lord – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2011) [unchanged]
- Reading the Whole Bible (2010) [-2]
- Review of Good and Beautiful God (2011) [+1]
- American Religion from 1970 to 2010 (2012) [+4]
- Theology on Tap (2011) [unchanged]
- A Sensory Maundy Thursday Service (2014) [+3]
- Leaders Clear Obstacles (2015) [+4]
- UCC Decline Enters 7th Decade (2020) [new – not on last year’s list]
- 5 Smooth Stones of Liberal Religion (2011) [+3]
- Valentine’s Expectations (2013) [new – not on last year’s list]
- Prayer of Invocation for Sunday, September 12 (2010) [new – not on last year’s list]
- The 32% (2013) [new – not on last year’s list]
- A Challenging Blessing (2014) [new – not on last year’s list]
Biggest Changes
Five posts moved up four or more slots in this year’s ranking. Four of the five focus on numeric changes in American Christianity in recent years.

- UCC Decline Enters 7th Decade (2020) [not ranked last year, at a minimum +5]
- Are 10,000 Churches Closing Every Year? (2019) [+4]
- 6 Decades of Decline in the United Church of Christ (2018) [+4]
- American Religion from 1970 to 2010 (2012) [+4]
- Leaders Clear Obstacles (2015) [+4]
Only one post moved down four or more slots in this year’s ranking, and remained on the list: Review of Not a Fan (2011) [-5]
Top Years
Interestingly every year except 2016, 2017, and 2021 are represented on this year’s top posts of all time. Top years by number of posts on the list are
- 5 posts: 2011
- 3 posts: 2012, 2014
- 2 posts: 2010, 2013, 2015
- 1 post: 2009, 2018, 2019, 2020
So What?
I’m amazed to see that the most popular year on this list was 10 years ago (2011), and encouraged to find that posts from 2018, 2019, and even 2020 have already become among the most popular of all time.
After more than a dozen years of writing So What Faith, I’m excited to continue in 2022.
If this blog has resonated with you, I’d welcome hearing more. Feel free to comment on this post or contact me directly.