Since launching So What Faith in 2009, I’ve written more than 1,900 posts about matters of faith that matter. Based on page views, my all time most popular posts (as of December 28, 2020) are

- Prayers of the People – Youth Sunday (2009)
- Pastoral Prayer – Love (2014)
- Review of Not a Fan (2011)
- 12 Marks of Convergence Christianity (2012)
- My Visit to Next Level Church (2012)
- Sermon: Lost –> Found –> Party (2015)
- Are 10,000 Churches Closing Every Year? (2019)
- Reading the Whole Bible (2010)
- The Acceptable Year of the Lord – Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2011)
- Top Church Websites (2012)
- 6 Decades of Decline in the United Church of Christ (2018)
- Review of Good and Beautiful God (2011)
- Theology on Tap (2011)
- So What? (2011)
- Football, Jesus, and Ninja (2012)
- American Religion from 1970 to 2010 (2012)
- A Sensory Maundy Thursday Service (2014)
- Invocation for Sunday, February 20 (2011)
- Leaders Clear Obstacles (2015)
- 5 Smooth Stones of Liberal Religion (2011)
Top Topics
Most of the content here on So What Faith focuses on American religious experience (belief, belonging, and behavior).
Based solely on the top twenty posts, the top three general categories or topics are
- Worship – 6 posts
- Changes in Christianity – 5 posts
- Books – 3 posts
Top Years
It makes sense that the most popular posts come from longer ago. Blogging was more popular at that time than now, and those posts have also had a longer time to collect page views. Notably, I was also significantly more prolific in the early years, reaching 1,500 posts in December 2014.
- 2011 – 7 posts
- 2012 – 5 posts
- 2014 & 2015 – 2 posts
- 2009, 2010, 2018, & 2019 – 1 post
Top Book Posts
In the early years, I posted formal book reviews. More recently, I’ve provided book ratings with more limited remarks about top rated books. Together these posts account for more content than any other category. Considering only these posts, the all time most popular book posts follow. Are were posted in 2010, 2011, or 2012.
- Review of Not a Fan (2011)
- Review of Good and Beautiful God (2011)
- Top 10 Books of 2012 (2012)
- Review of Christianity After Religion (2012)
- Review of Church Administration (2011)
- Review of Church Unique (2010)
- Review of Missional: Joining God in the Neighborhood (2011)
- Review of America’s Four Gods (2011)
- Review of God’s Century (2011)
- Review of Christ the Key (2010)
So What?
I’ve learned a great deal while conducting research to write these posts, and from conversations with many of my readers.
I plan to continue the journey in 2021, and look forward to learning alongside you.