2020 has been quite a year!
When the year started I’d never heard of COVID-19 and rarely used words and phrases that are now commonplace: contact tracing, essential workers, quarantine, pandemic, personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing, and Zoom.

As I reflect on a year that offered more time for reflection than any other, the following 10 memories stand out:
- Vacationing with Susan in Naples, Florida to celebrate that we’ve now been married for more than half of my life (our longest vacation as a couple). [To see some stunning images captured during this trip, check out Enjoying the Beauty of Nature.]
- Hosting Heather in our home in Fort Worth, Texas (and introducing her to all things Texas).
- Accelerating innovation to continue the vital ministries of the Mansfield Mission Center during the pandemic (including shifting to drive-through food distribution and implementing virtual options for medical and social services).
- Actively participating in making the world a better place for all people, including voting in the 2020 Presidential election (my first time to vote in a pandemic).
- Teaching at First Presbyterian Church (on campus and online).
- Serving as a Coach for the Adese Fellowship (a social enterprise fellowship facilitated by the United Church of Christ).
- Volunteering as a board member for the Texas Association of Charitable Clinics, MISD Health Sciences Advisory Board, and Henderson Hillside HOA.
- Adjusting to being the church without spending any time gathered with other followers of the Way of Jesus in a sanctuary or other sacred indoor space for worship for the last ten months [Ponder this further by reading some of my thoughts: (1) Six Months (and Counting) Without In Person Worship, (2) Most Have Not Returned to In Person Worship, (3) Should Churches Offer In Person Worship?].
- Writing about matters of faith that matter on So What Faith (over 1,900 posts since launching the site in 2009).
- Learning the seminary I earned my M.Div. from will be closing (Logsdon Seminary – Hardin-Simmons University) [Read more with my posts: (1) My Seminary is Closing, (2) The Bigger Picture, and (3) Dear HSU Trustees].
So What?
In 2020, the vast majority of people have experienced significant changes in the ways they work and worship.
As I reflect on 2020, I am mindful of the changes I’ve experienced at work (mostly focused on doing what we’ve always done in the safest ways possible) and worship (especially finding new ways to gather virtually for worship, discipleship, and service).
I’d welcome hearing a bit about your year:
- Share a significant memory (or a few).
- How has your church changed over the course of the year?
- What have you found most challenging this year?
- Share an example of innovation you experienced as a result of COVID-19 that you’ll likely continue long after the pandemic ends.
- Have you found it easier, harder, or about the same to live out your faith this year compared to last year? Explain.