The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The fastest way to get to any local destination is by automobile.
I learned these simple truths early in life, and rarely questioned them.
Traveling to Church
As a lifelong churchgoer I made my way from home to a house of worship exclusively by automobile for the first 40+ years of my life.
Last year when my wife and I moved to downtown Fort Worth, we started rethinking our reliance on vehicles. And, we’ve adopted walking as our default mode of transportation unless our destination is outside of the city center.
Over the last 12 months, we’ve walked to worship many times.

So What?
This morning our 15 minute walk to First Presbyterian Church was quite pleasant as the temperature was in the upper 50s.
While I generally enjoy walking to worship, I found it especially meaningful today. The walk from home to worship became for me an extension of the palm processional that more typically begins on the church grounds before winding into the sanctuary.
Take a few moments to reflect
- What did it feel like this morning as you walked into Holy Week? If your worship included a palm processional, share a bit about how that happened.
- Throughout the year, how have you incorporated walking or other types of movement into your spirituality and/or religious practices?