photo by Greg Smith
Last Sunday I was not able to attend a worship service as I spent the day in meetings for my primary employer. This Sunday, I was determined to attend worship and to be a part of World Communion Sunday.
First Presbyterian
I participated in the 11:00 a.m. service at First Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) in downtown Fort Worth. While this congregation normally celebrates Communion on the first Sunday of every month, this service had a clear emphasis on World Communion from the opening announcements through the closing hymn.
The Rev. Karl Travis, Senior Pastor of FPC Fort Worth, shared the origin story of World Communion Sunday in his sermon. His explanation extended beyond noting that it started in a Presbyterian congregation in the 1930s, and even beyond naming that community of faith: Shadyside Presbyterian Church. Travis related that the initial call for this ecumenical celebration was birthed not by the Worship Committee or the Outreach Committee, but rather by the congregation’s Stewardship Division.
Perhaps this is one part of the larger story that should be told more often.
And, it should be told alongside the story of adoption across the Presbyterian Church and later across the Federal Council of Churches (now called National Council of Churches).
So What?
I’m a follower of the Way of Jesus who has served in congregations affiliated with many denominations. The older I get the more convinced I am that we need to be reminded of the common ground shared by most of the world’s Christians. World Communion Sunday is a simple yet powerful opportunity to demonstrate Christian unity.
- Is World Communion Sunday a part of your tradition? If so, share what you most value about it. If not, share your initial thoughts about your congregation participating in the future.
- Share any other regularly recurring activities focused on Christian unity that you find meaningful (if you cannot think of any, consider sharing any activity focused on Christian unity that you’ve found helpful).
Note: On the occasion of World Communion Sunday 2017 I shared links to several relevant posts I’ve written over the years.