We have reached the half-way point in visiting the ten congregations on our short list of faith communities located near our home.
The first grouping of images showcase #ViewFromThePew photos taken during our Sunday morning worship experiences in the four English language services we attended.
The second grouping of images capture some of our experience in the lone bilingual service we attended.
The variety within these worship services extended beyond language, including:
- style: 2 services were blended and 3 were traditional
- sacrament: 4 services included Communion/Eucharist/Lord’s Supper
- length: services lasted between 55 minutes and 1 hour and 55 minutes
- denominational affiliation: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Episcopal, Presbyterian (PCUSA), United Church of Christ
So What?

When we started our search for a church we knew that it would be impossible to choose a congregation based on a single visit. Since we completed our last search for a church not all that long ago, we did expect that a single visit would be enough to rule out some congregations.
Two of the five remain on our list of possibilities. We look forward to visiting them again once we complete our first visits to the congregations still on our initial list.
- Share one reason you would be unlikely to make a second visit to a congregation based on your past experiences of searching for a church.
- What do you recall of your first ever visit to your current faith community?