In November of 2016, I established 5 religious goals for the 2017 church year (Advent 2016 until the arrival of Advent 2017). Four months later I shared my progress. With Advent now just 14 weeks away, I offer a final check-in.
Original Goals
During this church year I resolve to
- Join (and be actively involved in) a local community of faith
- Labor to make real on earth God’s realm of justice and peace
- Write about matters of faith that matter (primarily here on this blog)
- Teach (and continue learning) about Christianity and the world’s many great religions
- Discern an answer (or many answers!) to the question “What next?”
- I completed the formal “joining process” in February, and have been actively involved since that time.
- I have partnered with and/or contributed to many formal (and some less formal) groups to consistently and collaboratively work toward this ongoing goal. For example, this past week I participated in a formation meeting for the Tarrant County chapter of Faith in Texas.
- I have written at least one blog post each week.
- I am currently teaching two sections of a world religions course at Hodges University, and have agreed to teach a more advanced version of the course in the fall for at least two sections. In total, I will teach at least seven courses this year.
- After my first and only stretch of time when my primary employment was with a for profit company, I returned to ministry a few weeks ago. For more information, check out “I’m Back: My Return to Ministry.” I am also on track to graduate with my MBA in December 2017.
So What?
Any goal worth making is a goal worth achieving. Any goal one wants to achieve requires planning, intentional forward progress, and accountability.
I share my progress in hopes of encouraging you on your journey. And, if you had no such goals for 2017 perhaps now is a time to begin working on some for 2018.