The house my wife and I purchased late last summer has been under construction for the last six months. For the last five months, our search for a church has also been an ongoing experience. The construction at home has given me new eyes with which to observe the various faith communities at home and to recognize that whether thriving, declining or somewhere in between each congregation is also under construction.
So What?
We know better than to look for a perfect church. Instead, we are focusing on finding a community of faith that is radically committed to following the Way of Jesus, concerned with the wellbeing of all creation, and engaged in making a real difference (both in their local area and in systemic ways).
- What are the implications of a healthy church being a community that is constantly under construction? How is this apparent in the congregation you know best?
- On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your current congregation on
- being radically committed to following the Way of Jesus
- being concerned with the wellbeing of all of creation
- being engaged in making a difference (in its local area and in systemic ways)?
If you would like to read more about how I got where I am today, check out my previous posts about this journey: