Almost a month ago I preached my last sermon as a Transitional Pastor before relocating across the country to start a new job in healthcare. This change led my wife and I to begin our search for a church near our new home.
The first Sunday we did not attend church as I was busy moving. The next Sunday my wife and I visited a nearby Lutheran congregation (ELCA). The third Sunday we visited a local Presbyterian (PCUSA) congregation. Today we will not be in church since I am traveling for work.
So What?

Our search for a church is all that unique. Although we are just four weeks into this new journey, we have managed to participate in worship only half of the time. Life happens. Work impedes.
- In your area do most progressive Christian churches (Mainline Protestant congregations) offer worship gatherings only on Sunday mornings?
- Recognizing the limited number of Sundays we may be able to visit other communities of faith, what advice do you have for us?