Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 13:11, 14
Sermon Excerpt
What in the name of God is going on here?
What in the name of God is going on with Fort Myers Congregational United Church of Christ?
Nine months ago I started my first sermon as your Transitional Pastor with that same question.
After journeying with you for some time, I can begin to answer the question. FMC UCC is doing a lot, and all we are doing we do in God’s name.
While it would be impossible to share all that has happened and to name all of the people that contributed, it is both possible and important to celebrate what we have done together in God’s name.
We have
- learned about our congregation’s history
- welcomed new members and new leaders
- launched new ministries and imagined new ways of being church
- strengthened our connection to the United Church of Christ
- discerned and begun living into our purpose
We know who we are and who God is calling us to become. Each person has a role to play in shaping FMC UCC into a growing and inclusive congregation alive with inspirational worship and life-changing outreach.
It is an exciting time to be a part of this community of faith!
While it has been my pleasure to serve as your Transitional Pastor, we all know that relationship will soon end. Before it does, I want to share with you a little more about what has happened that has led me to decide to move in a new direction.
Let me back up a bit – all the way to the year 2000. Since that time – for the last fifteen years – I have served in a variety of parish based ministry positions in Mainline Protestant congregations ranging in size from a few hundred to a few thousand. My job titles have . . . (read manuscript or watch video)
So What?
I am wrapping up my time at Fort Myers Congregational UCC (aka FMC UCC). I invested 40+ weeks of my life as a guest preacher and as Transitional Pastor. That time was long enough to shepherd much progress, but brief when viewed in terms of the congregation’s history. This community of faith has gathered for weekly worship for 1967 Sundays and counting.
- How old is the congregation you know best? What types of change has that community of faith experienced over the last 9-12 months?
- What minister (or ministers) have had the greatest impact on your life? Did you ever tell this person (these people) about the importance of the role they played?