Sermon Text: Matthew 28:18-20 (The Inclusive Bible)
Sermon Excerpt
The great reformer Martin Luther was fond of saying “remember your baptism.” With that in mind, I placed some words on the front of this morning’s worship bulletin designed to invite you to remember the details of your baptism as you prepared for worship.
I admit that a few of you who saw the bulletin well beforehand told me that I was asking the impossible as they had no recall of their own baptism. So I will share my memory instead.
But wait . . . I also don’t remember! I was much too young. I was only a few months old. I have to rely on and trust in the memories of those who were present that day. Since it was my parents’ decision to have me baptized, I will ask them.
Mother and Dad, will you please come forward? Go ahead and make your way to the pulpit and share with the good folks in this community of faith the short version of my baptismal story . . . (read manuscript or watch video)
So What?
Baptism is the start of a life of living wet. The sacrament offers a beginning point whether the one baptized is an infant, a child, a teen, a young adult, a middle aged adult, or a mature adult.
- Remember your baptism. What details do you know about the actual day? If you know very little consider contacting those who may know more to enrich your understanding of the day you started living wet.
- What does it mean to you as a follower of the Way of Jesus to live wet all the days of your life beginning at baptism?