Frederick Schmidt, an Episcopalian Priest who serves as the Rueben P. Job Chair in Spiritual Formation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary , recently shared a list of 12 things your priest, pastor, or minister wishes you knew. Coming in third on his list is a wish regarding preaching:
Don’t compliment my sermons. React to them. I would rather hear you struggle with what I’ve said from the pulpit or tell me that you disagree and why, rather than say, “That was nice.”
So What?
As someone who preaches on a weekly basis and who believes that good preaching calls people to action, I agree with Schmidt. Perhaps we should print in our worship bulletins or include in our announcements something that tells people that the word “nice” is off limits for describing the sermon, especially when engaging following worship at the door or in a fellowship time. Or, perhaps we should go even further and warn people that those who claim the sermon was nice, excellent, or well done can expect the minister to reply, “how so?” or “so what?” or “and what will you be doing as a result?”
- Share the big idea of a sermon you have heard recently that led you to some kind of action (doing something, struggling with a belief, etc.).
- In your congregation is honest feedback to sermons welcome or do you feel it is expected that you will simply say “nice sermon pastor” regardless of the message?