Two days ago, on a beautiful sunny 80 degree afternoon, the outdoor labyrinth at the Naples United Church of Christ was dedicated in a simple but moving service. In keeping with the intentionally public always welcoming placement of this new labyrinth the service was open to all and concluded with an invitation to linger and walk.
So What?
The Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, founder of Veriditas and the world’s foremost expert on the labyrinth, was present to lead an all day workshop prior to the dedication. While I was unable to attend that event, I was thankful for conversations with some of the participants. I was also especially appreciative of her invitation to make one’s way to the center of this or any labyrinth – literally or metaphorically – any time one loses one’s own center as a means of re-centering.
Take a moment to share one of your meaningful experiences of walking a labyrinth. Alternatively, if you have never made such a journey, consider adding it to your spiritual bucket list.