John C. Dorhauer, Conference Minister for the Southwest Conference of The United Church of Christ, is currently writing a book on innovation and something he terms “Church 3.0.” Reflecting on his recent research efforts that included visits to multiple communities of faith, he suggests that the model of church we have known in recent years is dying and is being replaced by something that is radically different. The new form of church, Church 3.0., is an “entirely new way of being church in a postmodern world.” This new form of church
- moves away from the role of clergy as subject matter experts,
- doesn’t invest in buildings, and
- emphasizes flexibility in every way imaginable.
So What?
Dorhauer’s observations are consistent with those made by others. The old model of ministry that enabled many congregations to flourish in the past is giving way to something new that is far flatter, far less dependent upon expensive real estate, far more scalable, and far more flexible.
- Has your congregation started making the transition from the older model to the new/emerging model? If so, how far along are you? If not, how important do you feel it is that such work begins sooner rather than later?
- What do you see as the most hopeful elements of “Church 3.0?” the most troubling?