In addition to standing Boards and Committees, many congregations form task forces or other temporary working groups to manage specific projects. Jenni Catron, Executive Director of Cross Point Church (Nashville, TN), recently shared a list of some of the positive outcomes of these temporary teams. Her list includes:
- the hierarchy is flattened,
- new relationships are formed, and
- great leaders emerge.
So What?
While Boards and Committees have important roles to play in the life of all congregations, it is essential that they are empowered to invite others from outside their respective groups to assist in strategic ways. The use of task forces and work groups not only welcomes new people in ways that achieve the outcomes noted above, but also enables those serving on standing Boards and Committees to do their jobs well by remaining focused.
- During 2013, how many task forces or working groups did your church convene? How does that number compare to the number of standing Boards and Committees?
- What additional benefits has your congregation experienced from the use of temporary teams?