Recently Beverly Duncan, Interim Associate Minster at Naples United Church of Christ, wrote an article in the Naples Daily News titled “Dare to be Weird.” Since her piece focuses on the call for Christians to embrace weirdness on this popular holiday, I wanted to share her wisdom with you today. Duncan writes:
In our culture today we keep letting ourselves be pulled into media escapism and ghoulish fascination with the kinky and the weird that can get us too far off the God-track. We let ourselves too easily become part of what everyone else is doing, seeing, and talking about.
What’s weird these days is not taking the easy way out; not embracing the overwhelming cultural offerings everywhere for how to escape reality; not bashing everything; not getting taken in by quick-fix schemes to feel better about ourselves.
So What?
In advocating for Christian weirdness, Duncan suggests that we “go out and be weird this Halloween.” I, for one, have decided to join my colleague today. Will you join us?