I have written over 200 book reviews on this blog since the summer of 2009. On this the first Monday (some of my regular readers are aware my new book reviews are more likely to appear on Monday than any other day of the week) following Easter, instead of my normal reviews I offer a list of five books I have read recently (listed by rating, on a scale of 5.0).
- (5.0) The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today by Meredith Gould (2009)
- (4.5) The Definitive-ish Guide for Using Social Media in the Church by Bruce Reyes-Chow (2012)
- (4.5) Truth Speaks to Power: The Countercultural Nature of Scripture by Walter Brueggemann (2013)
- (4.0) Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technologies by Michelle Pacansky-Brock (2013)
- (4.0) Getting #Married: Using Social Media to Celebrate the Sacred by Meredith Gould (2011)
So What?
As you likely noted from the list above, four of the five books are focused on technology in some way. It seems technology is increasingly central to the human endeavor. Technology continues to be an incredible tool for advancing equality (with notable limitations relating to access).
- How frequently does social media enrich your spiritual journey?
- What are some of the most positive contributions of technology to your journey of faith?
- Where do you turn for helpful information on matters of religion and technology?