“Not in Her Shoes” is a new brief video (under 2 minutes) designed to encourage conversation about abortion by suggesting people move beyond the labels “pro-choice” and “pro-life” that “actually don’t reflect how people feel about abortion.”
So What?
Watch the video and ponder the argument advanced by Planned Parenthood.
- Do you believe that moving beyond the polarizing labels (pro-choice and pro-life) will help people have more in-depth and meaningful conversations about abortion? Why or why not?
- As a person of faith, what is your initial response to the bottom line of the video? “Ultimately, decisions about whether to choose adoption, end a pregnancy, or raise a child must be left to a woman, her family, and her faith with the counsel of her doctor or healthcare provider.”
- Have you participated in organized events or in informal conversations that included individuals with varying perspectives engaging in dialogue on this topic? If so, what parameters helped craft an environment conducive to such?