John Richardson, communications director at Generous Church, recently blogged about how the Christian faith calls adherents to step away from a life of safety and security. After quoting Craig Groeschel, Erwin McManus, David Platt, Francis Chan and Jesus, he summarizes the big idea thusly:
Here’s the problem with playing it safe – safety is not a virtue in the Kingdom of God. Instead, the Gospel calls us to the exact opposite: a radical departure from the “safe” things of this world and an unwavering adherence to the ways of Jesus.
So What?
Following the way of Jesus means seeking first the realm/reign/kindom (or, in Richardson’s words, kingdom) of God. If one presumes following the way of dominant culture or empire is safe, then following another way is subversive and potentially anything but safe.
Has following the way of Jesus been something less than safe in your own experience? If so, explain.