Leonard Sweet, E. Stanley Jones professor of evangelism at Drew University and visiting distinguished professor of Evangelism at George Fox University, was voted one of the 50 Most Influential Christians in America, and continues to write and speak prophetically about the church. An ordained United Methodist pastor, Sweet has authored over 20 books (read my reviews: Viral: How Social Networking is Poised to Ignite Revival – 2012, I Am a Follower: The Way, Truth and Life of Following Jesus – 2012, Nudge: Awakening Each Other to the God Who’s Already There – 2010, So Beautiful: Divine Design for Life and the Church – 2009) and 600 articles, and is perhaps best known for his forward thinking ideas about the church. For more information, friend him on facebook, follow him on twitter, or visit his website.
Frank Viola is an author and popular conference speaker. He has written numerous books on the deeper Christian life and radical church reform, including From Eternity to Here, Jesus Manifesto (co-authored with Leonard Sweet), and Pagan Christianity (co-authored with George Barna) as well as Finding Organic Church, Reimagining Church, and The Untold Story of the New Testament Church. For more information, friend him on facebook, follow him on twitter, or visit his website.
Sweet and Viola are the co-authors of Jesus Manifesto: Restoring the Supremacy and Sovereignty of Jesus Christ (2010 – my review) and Jesus: A Theography (2012).
Book Basics
Sweet and Viola’s latest co-authored book disappoints. In the introduction, the authors note that while there are over one hundred thousand English language biographies of Jesus none seek to tell “His story from Genesis to Revelation” (p.xi). Seeking to fill this void by crafting a unique work that “brings together historical Jesus studies with a survey of the entire biblical canon” (p.xii) they contribute little of significance to either endeavor.
On a more positive note, Jesus: A Theography is a solid introduction to the person of Jesus from an Evangelical perspective. Writing with high views of both Jesus and the Bible, Sweet and Viola survey the person of Jesus beginning before time and proceeding through the pages of both testaments with a heavy emphasis on the Second Testament (400+% the length of the section on the First Testament ). Readers will find no theological surprises, but many cleverly worded phrases characteristic of Sweet’s writing.
So What?
Christians generally agree that they are those who follow the way of Jesus. Coming to a better understanding of Jesus is an ongoing journey for those who seek to follow.
- What books/articles, classes/small groups/sermons, and service/mission projects have been most influential in helping you establish your current understanding of Jesus?
- How would you rate your congregation in terms of providing disciples and would be followers of Jesus with the opportunities they need to more fully form their perspectives and live out their faith?
Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola. Jesus: A Theography (Thomas Nelson, 2012). ISBN: 9780849947025.