Roger Olson, professor of theology at Baylor University’s George W. Truett Theological Seminary, wrote an article in the October 2012 edition of Christianity Today exploring how different the popular American view of freedom is from the biblical view (p.35-38).
No truth is more pervasive in Scripture and Christian tradition than this one – that real freedom is found in obedience and servanthood. And yet no truth is more incongruous with modern culture. Here we stand before a stark either-or; the gospel message of true freedom versus the culture’s ideal of self-creation, autonomy and living “my way” (p.36).
So What?
During this election season there is considerable conversation about what it means to be American. As people who follow the way of Jesus, we must set aside time to learn and live what it means to be Christian.
- In what ways have your roles as a follower of the way of Jesus and as a citizen of the United States provided conflicting views on how to live this life well? How have you reconciled these or chosen between them?
- What does freedom mean to you as someone who seeks to live in and enact the realm of God?