One of my current roles is organizing adult educational offerings at Naples United Church of Christ (Naples, FL). Since our congregation grows significantly during season (the time of year when many snowbirds visit), we provide a more robust program during that portion of the year. A preview of some of the highlights of the season to come (Advent 2012 – Pentecost 2013) follows:
General Education
- internet guru Marcus Zillman
- memory expert Dr. Bill Beckwith
- educator Stephen Crosby
Religious Education
- Marcus Borg for a weekend focused on Being Christian in the 21st Century (if you are in or would like to travel to Southwest FL mark your calendars for Feb. 8-9-10, 2013)
- Rev. Martie McMane for a weekend workshop focused around her new book: Living Grace
- clergy led classes facilitated by pastors from multiple traditions, including American Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian (PCUSA), and United Church of Christ AND numerous lay led classes facilitated by lay leaders from a variety of theological perspectives
So What?
Since taking over responsibility for adult education in this parish a few years ago, I have sought to continually build upon the solid foundation of the adult program.
- Last season I crafted the first ever brochure covering the primary classes, workshops, retreats, and other educational events. This season that brochure will expand significantly, and be published earlier.
- Last season we featured more outside speakers/presenters than ever before. This season that number will grow, and also will feature the first of what will become an annual weekend lecture series.
Additionally, I have implemented multiple new means of gathering input about possible programming and for evaluating events.
Adult Education in Your Congregation
- Planning: Is there an emphasis on general educational offerings or religious education or an intentional effort to balance the two? How is congregational input sought regarding the mix of these types? Specific topics and presenters to be included in each?
- Evaluation: What type of participant feedback is solicited at the conclusion of each event? Who views the results of these surveys, and how are they used by the adult education leadership team?