Ron Edmondson recently shared his list of 10 ways to recover from major disappointments:
- Reconnect with God
- Evaluate your life
- Create some new dreams
- Call in the advisors
- Don’t take your pain and anger out on others
- Take a break
- When it’s time, be willing to risk again
- Don’t let failure or disappointment define you
- Do something
- Get back in the game
So What?
The list of possible major disappointments one can experience in life is nearly endless. When struggling with a recent disappointment that reorients some aspect of life (or life itself), moving forward in a healthy way requires significant effort. Edmondson’s list offers practical guidance that is suitable to all or nearly all situations.
- What is the best piece of advice you have ever received regarding moving ahead in life after a major disappointment?
- What item(s) would you add to Edmondson’s list?
- How does your church help people navigate through disappointments? Do most who participate in the life of the parish know about these resources? If not, how can they be more effectively and regularly communicated?