In April, I wrote about Mission 1: a denomination wide initiative of the United Church of Christ to address hunger. Capitalizing on the number one, the event began on 11/1/11 and ended on 11/11/11. During that time, those within the denomination worked together to feed the hungry and address food-related injustice. The results include:
- 1.28 million items of food donated (exceeding the goal of 1 million)
- Over 35,000 letters to Congress (exceeding the goal of 11,111)
- Over $92,000 donated to Neighbors in Need hunger-related ministries (toward a goal of $111,111)
- Over $94,000 donated to East Africa Famine Relief (toward a goal of $111,111)
So What?
In a time when all mainline denominations are struggling, it is refreshing to be a part of one that chose to work together to help others. Rather than looking within and struggling with the future of our denominational identity, we partnered to work together to make a real difference.
On the congregational level, the parish I serve is extending the 11 day effort into an 11 month emphasis. We kicked off our campaign by packaging (and providing funding for) over 111,111 meals for local distribution.
- What is one recent denominational initiative in which your congregation participated? How did it make a difference for others? for your denomination?
- How is your local congregation involved in feeding the hungry and addressing food-related injustice?