Every person I have ever met who is seeking to follow the way of Jesus has a unique faith story — an account of her or his life to date and how it has been impacted by one or more religious traditions. Some of these stories begin with or feature a moment of conversion (often an event on a specific day), but many more explain the transition to becoming a Christian as a long term process. Reflection on one’s own journey to date is an important aspect of knowing one’s own story, seeing how that story grew in community, and considering how it is framed it within the larger Christian story.
So What?
It is important that you know your own story. Take some time today to put your story into words. Try writing it in narrative form – ideally in three pages or less. Before the end of the month, I encourage you to share your story (an oral version, a written version, or something far more creative than any one medium allows) with someone else.