In 2009, I moved from an observer to a participant in the growing world known as social media.
- In January, I joined Facebook. Within a few months, I was logging in to Facebook several times a day.
- In May, I secured a domain name. In June, I launched this blog. Initially, I wrote a few posts a week
- In September, I joined Twitter. Within a few months, I was tweeting several times a day.
As I wind down my third year in social media, I recognize that statistics tell a very incomplete story. I could share how many friends I have on Facebook or how many followers I have on Twitter or how often I use either. Instead, I focus on this being my 500th blog post. Previously, my reflections on my life as a blogger (e.g., – The First Two Years) have focused on the experience itself, and evaluations have emphasized statistics. While those remain helpful ways of pondering progress, I suggest a few new ways that are as, if not more important:
- Engagement. Social media is about more than creating quality content; it is about purposefully interacting with other people.
- Entwinement. Social media is not designed for isolation (e.g. adding a Twitter widget on this site earlier this year); it works best when multiple tools are used collaboratively.
- Enrichment. Social media has helped me grow personally and professionally. I have learned a great deal by not only by creating, but also in sharing and consuming thoughts via social media.
So What?
It is hard to believe, but true: as recently as 2008, I was marginally involved in social media. I am thankful I decided to get involved, and glad I have continued to expand my involvement.
- When did you get involved in social media? How has your participation changed over time?
- What have your experiences been to date if measured in terms of engagement, entwinement, and enrichment?