We are gathered here to join in the song of faith. In a world that offers goods and services to fulfill even the most demanding and discerning appetites, Jesus invites us to be consumed by an ultimate hunger and thirst for righteousness. Even as our instantaneous access to information and constant awareness of global events overwhelm and desensitize us, Jesus invites us to be difference makers by extending love to all. Empowered by the Spirit, may our lives become living prayers that help enact the reign of God. Hear us as we join our voices to those in this and every age praying: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Note: Written for use in worship at Naples United Church of Christ (pictured at left). The service of worship is constructed around a single biblical text: Matthew 5:43-48. Worship begins with instrumental music, a call to worship, a processional hymn (Gather Us In), and this unison prayer of invocation.