Donald Miller is the author of several books including A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing my Life (2009) and Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality (2003). To connect with him, read his blog, like him on Facebook, or follow him on Twitter.
This past week, he posted, “Is Church Life Stifling Your Creativity?,” which concludes with these words:
Here’s the point of this blog post: There is a difference between what “the church” wants you to do and what God wants you to do. Do what God wants you to do. Go and create, even as you were made to create.
So What?
Have you ever done something because your church or association of churches or denomination suggested it was “the thing to do” even though you realized it was not at all something God was leading you to do? When is it okay to not just go along and do what the church wants you to do? How do you “know” what God wants you to do? If you are a part of the formal leadership in your local congregation, either as a volunteer leader, paid lay staff member, or clergy, how do you respond when you sense a conflict between congregational expectations and your God-given vision?