Happy Twitterversary Sowhatfaith
I joined Twitter one year ago today, which makes today my first twitterversary.
Initially, I tweeted sparingly (between 31 and 56 times a month). Once I felt more familiar with the discipline , I tweeted a bit more (between 89 and 97 times a month). Last month I fully embraced tweeting and posted more than ever by some margin (276 tweets). This month I am on pace for about the same number of tweets as last month. In reviewing the statistics of my first year, a few stood out:
- Tweeted just over 1,000 times (2.7 tweets per day)
- Most frequently used words were God, church, Jesus and people
- Tweeted more on Thursday than any other day of the week (least on Monday)
- Most frequently retweeted users were liturgy, virtual_abbey, and lensweet
- Posted roughly 80% of my tweets via ubbertwitter and 20% via the web
So What?
Tweeting has taught me many lessons including:
- Brevity is a valuable discipline (140 characters or less)
- Real community comes in many forms (including virtual)
- Christianity is incredibly diverse yet amazingly united
- You never know who may “follow you” or retweet your words
- Greater awareness of what is happening (both locally and globally)
What have you learned as a result of being a part of twitter? If you are not tweeting, why have you been resistant to embrace twitter?