The rate of change in the America culture is often far more rapid than within the American church. The church, however, must proactively and strategically consider and act to enable it to live into its purpose now and in the future. I created a Top 10 List of the changes I believe will be most helpful over the next several years. I revisit and revise the list often. The latest revision follows:
Looking into the Future: The Top 10 Changes for the American Church
10. Less Real Estate
9. Less Formal
8. More Relevant and Leading Edge
7. More Functional (Ministry Teams & Task Forces)
6. Inclusive
5. Greater Variety of Worship Experiences
4. Congregational/Local is Primary
3. Relational
2. Experiential (Doing/Practicing the Faith)
1. Discipleship (Not Membership)
So What?
How is your church living into its purpose?
What role does your mission statement have in the strategic planning process?
What changes do you believe are necessary over the next year? two years? five years?
Coming Soon: A consideration of the details of each of the proposed changes from Looking into the Future: The Top 10 Changes for the American Church.