Considerable research has been done regarding Bible reading. Most research focuses on the percentages of people who read it and how often they engage in that behavior. In What Americans Really Believe, Rodney Stark reports that 28% of Americans (24% of women and 32% of men) read the Bible at least once a week (p.64).
Very little research has been done regarding those who have read the entire Bible. Earlier this week, New Testament scholar Scot McKnight wrote that he suspects, “no more than 25% of church attenders/members have read the Bible from cover to cover.” Since this is not a topic included in recurring national surveys, he asked his readers for their thoughts on the topic and for information from any surveys done in local churches. One reader posted that a survey in his congregation showed that 30% had read the entire Bible, but quickly added that they belong to a denomination that emphasizes Bible reading.
In my own searching on the topic I found many who are discouraged by biblical illiteracy, but almost no one claiming to have done research into how many people claim to have read the entire Bible. William Proctor, editor of the Light Speed Bible, claims that his informal research finds that around 10% have read the Bible from cover to cover, which is far less than most other surveys, which suggest 20-25% have done so. According to Rasmussen Reports, 31% have read the entire Bible.
So What?
It is reasonable to assume that between 10 and 31% of Americans who follow Christ have read the entire Bible.
- Is it acceptable to you that 3 in 10 (or less) American Christians have ever read every word of the Bible? How do you think this number compares to the percentage who claimed to have done so in the 1980s? 60s? 30s?
- What percentage of the active members and friends of your congregation do you think have read the entire Bible at least once in their lives? Are you satisfied with this number? For those who may be intimidated by the idea, what classes or resources does your church provide?
- Have you read the entire Bible?
- If so, how did the experience enrich your view of the Bible and expand your faith? Did you use a read the Bible in a year program or Bible designed specifically for this purpose?
- If not, what are the main reasons you have never done so? What do you think you would gain from the experience if you read the Bible from cover to cover?